Membre de la SCNAT

La SES promeut la coopération entre les entomologistes, professionnels comme amateurs et a pour objectif la recherche sur les insectes indigènes.

Image : LaMantarraya,

Mountain Research and Development, Vol 35. No. 4

This Open Issue offers transformation, systems, and target knowledge in its 3 peer-reviewed sections. In the first paper, a participatory process through which the national objectives of food security and environmental conservation can be achieved in North Korea is validated. Next, modeling-based papers analyze the relationship between permafrost and land surface temperature in the Tien Shan, between policy changes and forest cover change in Romania, and between glacial lakes at different periods in the Himalaya. The next 4 studies focus on a fog collection system in Eritrea, a threatened medicinal herb (Swertia chirayta) in Sikkim, a threatened species (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) collected in Uttarakhand, and people's attitudes toward conservation of wildlife in the Kashmir Valley. The final peer-reviewed paper calls for collaboration, greater scientific rigor, and reliable data in the Himalayas.

MRD 35.4. Cover


  • Alpes
  • Développement
  • Himalaya
  • Permafrost/Pergélisol