Alpine Entomology

Alpine Entomology, the new "Journal of the SES"!
Since 2017, the long established "Journal of the Swiss Entomological Society" has been reformatted and relaunched under the new name Alpine Entomology. For all further information, especially concerning the submission of manuscripts, consult the web portal of Alpine Entomology (see 1st link below). New articles appear continuously in Open Access on this web portal. Completed volumes can also be found on (see 2nd link).
Digitalization of old volumes
In collaboration with the DigiCenter of the ETH Library, all scientific articles published from 1862–2016 under the old journal format "Journal of the Swiss Entomological Society" have been digitized. These articles are freely available via the online platform

NEWS (02.08.22)
Alpine Entomology will be granted its first Impact Factor in 2023! -> for more information see link below:
NEWS (05.07.22)
The Alpine Entomology team now presents a further topical collection focusing on the “Impacts of alien insects in the Alpine ecosystem”. This collection will be edited by Stève Breitenmoser, Dominique Mazzi & Oliver Martin -> for more information see links below on the journal site and on Pensoft's blog:
NEWS (06.10.21)
The Alpine Entomology team is proud to present our very first topical collection focusing on “Trends in arthropods of alpine aquatic ecosystems”. This collection will be supervised by Dr. Jean-Luc Gattolliat and Prof. Dr. David Muranyi -> for more information see links below on the journal site and on Pensoft's blog: